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Hysson Green Tea & Hibiscus // 20 Tea Bags

Hysson Green Tea & Hibiscus // 20 Tea Bags

Regular price $12.50 USD
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Hibiscus "tea" has been an integral part of many people's eating habits for centuries (and even holds an honored place in some Hindu rituals).

This beautiful flower that is fully edible has led to a series of recent scientific studies that prove that hibiscus is a great ally in preventing and fighting various types of diseases.

Although it is often sought after by those looking to lose weight, hibiscus tea has great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been shown to help lower blood pressure (2010 study Journal of Nutrition), help control cholesterol (2014 National Library of Medicine), help improve liver health and help prevent fluid retention.**

The combination of hibiscus with Gorreana's Hysson green tea not only expands its spectrum of benefits, but also makes the drink a kind of green tea fruit punch and delicious when consumed hot or cold.

Gorreana's Hysson Green Tea & Hibiscus is part of a new collection that aims to offer the most natural of products, absolutely free of chemicals, while promoting health and well-being.

Gorreana's Tea leaves have been grown in the mineral rich Azores mountains since 1883. This Hysson is harvested from the top three leaves of the tea plant (Camellia Sinensis) that are harvested in July and August when the sun is stronger.

The tea produced in Gorreana is an organic green product, free from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.

Steep time: 3-5 mins

Each pack contains 20 tea bags (20gr/0.7 oz each)

**This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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